About Permanent Makeup

Permanent Makeup, also know as Micropigmentation, is a form of cosmetic tat-tooing used to enhance facial features. Permanent makeup is revolutionising the traditional world of cosmetics.

It is not a fad but the cosmetic line of the future!

Imagine having perfectly designed eyebrows, gorgeously defined eyes and sensual looking lips lasting not for a day but for years!

Over the last 15 years, the Permanent Cosmetic Industry has grown in popularity. A long way from the first brave soul who allowed her eyebrows to be tattooed by a tattoo artist.

Permanent cosmetics allow busy people to look their best at all times, enhancing the beauty of those who desire more than what Mother Nature gave them. Per-manent makeup even camouflages the scars from accidents, burns or surgery by restoring the natural skin colouring ultimately improving ones self-image and self-esteem.

Glenda has been doing permanent makeup for 21 years. Trained in Auckland and also in Australia, an ITEC qualified beauty therapist. Glenda completed a new technique in eyebrow hair stroke tattooing overseas last year.

Looking at each individual person we work out the required shape and colour, then we apply the first numbing cream which is on for 15 minutes and then we are ready to apply the natural pigment to the skin. We then use another numbing cream which means it is completely painless for the customer. The process takes about an hour and we always have follow up appointments.

Fading can occur with eyebrows particularly as we are working with a lighter col-our to what we may use for eyeliner. The face is co much more exposed than the rest of the body & UVA from the sun can draw colour out quickly, we recommend a day cream with an SPF factor. A minimal charge applies to eyebrows needing a refresh.

Usually eyebrows may need a freshen up every 2 to 10 years depending on the colour.

All permanent makeup will be dark to begin with but healing is very fast. Eyebrows may flake and be dark for the first week but foundation can be used to disguise this. No down time needed after any treatment.